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Rtx-1 PONA

(Crossbond® 100% dimethyl polysiloxane - optimized for hydrocarbon analysis)GC column

  • Application-specific columns meet ASTM and CGSB requirements for detailed hydrocarbon analysis .

The Rtx®-1PONA polymer was designed to offer the exact polarity necessary to resolve hydrocarbons in the specific order requested by petrochemical companies. In order to meet the demanding resolution and retention criteria of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB), Restek has developed unique quality control tests and specifications for the Rtx®-1PONA column. The measured values for retention (k), efficiency (n), and stationary phase selectivity (RI) are controlled so that each column exceeds the requirements of the ASTM and CGSB methods.

  • Detailed hydrocarbon analysis
Temperature limits
ID (mm) df(µm) Temperature limits (°C)
0.25 0.50 -60 to 300/340