01. 12. 2023
Company GASTEC is pleased to announce that we have launched a new Acetaldehyde detector tube No.92LA. The measuring range is 0.3 – 30 ppm, and lower range is measurable with this new detector tube compared to our existing Acetaldehyde detector tubes.
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06. 10. 2023
Company Gastec still improve and create new detection tubes for measuring dangerous chemical.
There are several new tubes:
Methyl tert-butyl ether - cat. number 810-166
Methyl isothiocyanate - cat. number 810-234L
Ethyl mercaptan - cat. number 810-72LN
If you need, asked us for more information on e-mail: detekce@chromservis.eu
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23. 08. 2021
We would like to inform you that we will now offer an instant dust and aerosol measuring device from TSI - the well-known¨ DustTrak device for many customers.
You can download the information catalog for the devices by clicking on the image.
20. 11. 2020
If you are interested in gas detection devices and information about news from this industry, please visit our new website https://www.detekceplynu.cz (only in Czech). We are preparing new articles for you here and we will be happy to answer your questions here.
21. 04. 2020
19. 08. 2019
We would like to inform you about improvement of Honeywell RAE Systems PID detectors. These are MiniRAE Lite, MiniRAE 3000, ppbRAE 3000 and UltraRAE 3000.
The manufacturer has added a module BLE module (Bluetooth Low Energy) and created an application for smart mobile phones.
You can download the application to your mobile device, where you will go all the measured data online via Ble module. You can take a photo of the measurement location and add it there, and after the measurement, make a note report and email it.
09. 04. 2019
22. 08. 2017
GT 40 Series (GMI) offers measuring ppm, %LEL, %Vol methane gas as standard, with combinations including O2, CO and H2S.
Look at this detector in section Gas measurement.