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Praha - Management

Ing. Marči Horová
General manager

Ing. Marči Horová

Phone: +420 274 021 214
E-mail: m.horova@chromservis.eu

Mgr. Luděk Vlk
Sales director

Mgr. Luděk Vlk

Phone: +420 274 021 227
Cell: +420 603 517 206
E-mail: l.vlk@chromservis.eu

Praha - Sales department

Ing. Martin Stoklas
Area sales manager (Praha), GC accessories support

Ing. Martin Stoklas

Phone: +420 274 021 224
Cell: +420 603 163 789
E-mail: m.stoklas@chromservis.eu

Ing. Gabriela Strnadová
Area sales manager (West/South Bohemia)

Ing. Gabriela Strnadová

Cell: +420 605 059 520
E-mail: g.strnadova@chromservis.eu

Ing. Jan Merhaut
Head of sales (CZ/SK), HPLC accessories support

Ing. Jan Merhaut

Phone: +420 274 021 223
Cell: +420 736 777 485
E-mail: j.merhaut@chromservis.eu

Mgr. Josef Jureček
Area sales manager (process sensors), sales and technical support

Mgr. Josef Jureček

Phone: +420 274 021 226
Cell: +420 734 441 468
E-mail: j.jurecek@chromservis.eu

Ing. Michaela Kramperová
Head of customer support

Ing. Michaela Kramperová

Phone: +420 274 021 215
E-mail: m.kramperova@chromservis.eu

Ing. Kateřina Benešová (Zemánková)
Customer support, application specialist in gas detection, electrochemistry

Ing. Kateřina Benešová (Zemánková)

Phone: +420 274 021 225
E-mail: k.benesova@chromservis.eu

Ing. Oskar Šlechta
Customer support, application specialist for sample preparation, warranty claims

Ing. Oskar Šlechta

Phone: +420 274 021 221
E-mail: o.slechta@chromservis.eu

Ing. Dominik Harčár
Customer support - gas detection and analysis

Ing. Dominik Harčár

Phone: +420 274 021 219
Cell: +420 734 573 910
E-mail: d.harcar@chromservis.eu

Mgr. Hana Mikysková
Customer support, specialist on chemicals and reference materials

Mgr. Hana Mikysková

Phone: +420 274 021 228
E-mail: h.mikyskova@chromservis.eu

Praha - Order processing and accounting

Ing. Barbora Fehidová
Head of Economic department

Ing. Barbora Fehidová

Phone: +420 274 021 216
E-mail: b.fehidova@chromservis.eu

Dana Hoskovcová
Purchasing officer

Dana Hoskovcová

Phone: +420 274 021 210
E-mail: ackowledgement@chromservis.eu

Ing. Barbora Mátlová

Ing. Barbora Mátlová

Phone: +420 274 021 218
E-mail: b.matlova@chromservis.eu

Monika Valdová
Order Processing

Monika Valdová

Phone: +420 735 173 838
E-mail: objednavky@chromservis.eu

Jan Zelenka
Receipt and dispatch of goods

Jan Zelenka

Phone: +420 274 021 217
Cell: +420 602 752 369
E-mail: sklad@chromservis.eu

Ing. Hana Zelenková

Ing. Hana Zelenková

Phone: +420 274 021 211
E-mail: h.zelenkova@chromservis.eu

Karel Švagera
Receipt and dispatch of goods

Karel Švagera

Phone: +420 274 021 217
Cell: +420 602 752 369
E-mail: sklad@chromservis.eu

Praha - Service department

Karel Smrčina
Service technician of analytical instruments

Karel Smrčina

Phone: +420 274 021 212
Cell: +420 603 295 269
E-mail: k.smrcina@chromservis.eu

Galina Podhorná
Service technician

Galina Podhorná

Phone: +420 274 021 213
E-mail: g.podhorna@chromservis.eu

Ostrava - Sales department

Mgr. Roman Krejča
Office head, area sales manager (North Moravia)

Mgr. Roman Krejča

Cell: +420 603 288 498
E-mail: r.krejca@chromservis.eu

Mgr. Jiří Heller
Area sales manager (North Moravia / East Bohemia)

Mgr. Jiří Heller

Cell: +420 732 214 629
E-mail: j.heller@chromservis.eu

Radek Silák
Application specialist of gas detection

Radek Silák

Cell: +420 731 117 465
E-mail: r.silak@chromservis.eu

Ostrava - Service department

Ing. Petr Krejča, PhD.
Head of service department, aplication specialist of gas analyzers

Ing. Petr Krejča, PhD.

Cell: +420 603 163 781
E-mail: p.krejca@chromservis.eu

Aleš Zapletal
Service and application specialist of UV, GC, HPLC, and SW

Aleš Zapletal

Cell: +420 739 677 907
E-mail: a.zapletal@chromservis.eu

Lukáš Myška
Service technician of gas detection instruments

Lukáš Myška

Cell: +420 603 156 264
E-mail: l.myska@chromservis.eu

Lukáš Chodura
Service technician

Lukáš Chodura

Cell: +420 603 902 269
E-mail: l.chodura@chromservis.eu

Msc. Martin Vojtěšek, PhD.
Service and application specialist of HPLC and SW

Msc. Martin Vojtěšek, PhD.

Cell: +420 734 157 637
E-mail: m.vojtesek@chromservis.eu

Bratislava - Sales department

Ing. Peter Kassay
HPLC Product manager (Slovakia and Czech republic)

Ing. Peter Kassay

Phone: +421 911 481 098
E-mail: p.kassay@chromservis.eu

Mgr. Marcel Mikulec, PhD.
Area sales manager

Mgr. Marcel Mikulec, PhD.

Phone: +421 911 101 020
E-mail: m.mikulec@chromservis.eu

Warszawa - Sales department

Dipl. Ing. Robert Jakubowski
Area sales manager - process measurement

Dipl. Ing. Robert Jakubowski

Cell: +48 600454601
E-mail: r.jakubowski@chromservis.eu


Mgr. Kateřina Černá
Head of laboratory, R&D specialist

Mgr. Kateřina Černá

Phone: +420 274 021 229
E-mail: k.cerna@chromservis.eu

Application and R&D specialist

Ing. Adam Bořík, Ph.D.

Phone: +420 274 021 229
E-mail: a.borik@chromservis.eu

R&D specialist, Mass spectrometry support

Ing. Dominik Pilnaj

Phone: +420 274 021 229
E-mail: d.pilnaj@chromservis.eu

Mgr. Adéla Tomanová
R&D specialist

Mgr. Adéla Tomanová

Phone: +420 274 021 229
E-mail: a.tomanova@chromservis.eu

Praha - International sales

Ing. Ján Süli
International Sales Manager SEE

Ing. Ján Süli

Cell: +421 911 179 146
E-mail: j.suli@chromservis.eu