Pavel Kaule, Václav Šícha, Jan Macháček, Yelizaveta Naumkina and Jan Čejka, Halogenated Cobalt Bis-Dicarbollide Strong Acids as Reusable Homogeneous Catalysts for Fatty Acid Esterification with Methanol or Ethanol
Vendula Kubickova, Zuzana Racova, Jan Strojil, Petr Santavy and Karel Urbanek, Separation of ampicillin on polar-endcapped phase: Development of the HPLC method to achieve its correct dosage in cardiac surgery, Acta Chomatographica 35 (2023) 1, 1-9. Link to the article
M. Brenkus, P. Tölgyessy, V. Koperová Návojová, M. Kirchner, S. Hrouzková, Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phthalate esters, alkylphenols and alkyphenol ethoxylates in sediment using simultaneous focused ultrasound solid–liquid extraction and dispersive solid-phase extraction clean-up followed by liquid chromatography, Microchemical Journal 200 (2024) 110299
Chiral separation of polar substances like native amino acids and peptides represent a challenging chromatographic task. Due to the increasing number of peptidic pharmaceuticals, particularly, short antimicrobial peptides, this challenge is nowadays more frequently accepted. However, from the plethora of available chiral stationary phases, only few show required enantioselectivity towards ionized analytes, and some limitations in the chiral resolution of peptides by commercial chiral zwitterion ion exchangers have already been documented. Therefore, we have introduced a dipeptide unit into the structure of zwitterionic Cinchona-based selector with the aim to achieve higher similarity between the selector and the peptide analytes.