Restek uvádí na trh novou řadu UHPLC kolon s mimořádnými vlastnostmi - 1.9 µm Pinnacle™ DB plněnou silikagelem s velikostí částic pouhých 1.9 µm. Kolony 1.9 µm Pinnacle™ DB, určené především pro separace za ultra vysokých tlaků, kombinují výhody populární separační techniky s vynikající a u produktů Restek očekávanou kvalitou.
Menší částice silikagelů mají pozitivní vliv na účinnost kolony, umožňují širší rozsah použitelných pracovních tlaků, zlepšují rozlišení a citlivost a zkracují i dobu potřebnou pro analýzu.
Ačkoliv je použitím ultra jemných částic zajištěna vysoká účinnost dělení a zkrácení doby analýzy, stále zůstává selektivita použité stacionární fáze rozhodujícím faktorem pro výběr správné UHPLC kolony. Z tohoto důvodu Restek vyvinul a na trh uvedl kolony 1.9 µm kolony Pinnacle DB v celém spektru klasických stacionárních fází: C8, C18, aqeuous-C18, CN, IBD, PFP a bifenyl. Všechny uvedené fáze jsou také dostupné s velikostí částic 3 µm a 5 µm.)
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Obrázek 1 - distribuce částic v UHPLC kolonách Pinnacle DB
Highly base-deactivated spherical silica manufactured by Restek. Monomeric C18 bonding. Hydrophobic C18 phase suitable for analyses of a wide range of compounds, from acidic through slightly basic.
Highly selective phase for polar analytes. Compatible with highly aqueous (up to 100%) mobile phases.Temperature limit: 80°C.
Highly base-deactivated spherical silica. Monomeric C8 bonding. Similar to Pinnacle DB C18, but the shorter alkyl chain provides less hydrophobic retention. Less retention can be useful for shortening analysis time, if resolution is adequate.
Highly base-deactivated spherical silica with cyano bonding. Suitable for analyses of a wide range of compounds, from acidic through slightly basic. Also useful for confirmation of analyses on a C18 or C8 column. Can be used in normal phase or reversed phase mode of separation.
Pinnacle DB PFP Propyl is a unique pentafluorophenyl phase with a propyl spacer, and uses a highly base-deactivated spherical silica. This highly base-deactivated packing exhibits excellent peak shapes for a wide range of compounds, including nucleosides, nucleotides, and halogenated compounds.
Pinnacle™ DB Biphenyl is a unique reversed phase material that displays both increased retention and selectivity for aromatic and/or unsaturated compounds when compared to conventional alkyl and phenyl phases. An excellent choice for the analysis of steroids, tetracyclines, drug metabolites, and other compounds that contain some degree of unsaturation.
Highly base-deactivated spherical silica manufactured by Restek. Useful for normal phase separations.
An intrinsically base-deactivated (IBD) phase, containing a polar group within, or intrinsic to, the hydrocarbon bonded phase. Unique selectivity and a high level of base deactivation, while reducing or eliminating the need for mobile phase additives.
Complete resolution of EPA 610 PAHs in less than 4 minutes. Greatly reduces run times, increasing sample throughput. Specifically designed to resolve complex mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Higher stability in acidic and highly aqueous conditions. Greater retention of hydrophilic compounds. A dense trifunctionally bonded C18 alkyl phase for reversed phase separations
Ruggedness and reproducibility are guaranteed, as Restek control every step in the process, from base silica to bonded phase to final packed column. The silica particles are classified and selected to give an exceptionally tight distribution around 1.9µm, while eliminating <1µm particles that can contribute to a poorly packed bed. Highly base-deactivated Pinnacle DB stationary phases are an excellent choice when analyzing a wide range of compounds, from acidic to basic. To optimize your ultra high pressure HPLC methods, reach for Restek small particle HPLC columns!