Certified reference materials (CRMs) are essential for the calibration, accuracy verification and validation of AAS (atomic absorption spectroscopy) , ICP and ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma) and IC (ion chromatography) analytical methods. They ensure that measurement results are accurate, reliable and comparable.
Chromservis offers Certified Reference Materials for AAS, ICP, ICP-MS and IC prepared according to ISO 17034, ISO 17025 and ISO 9001.
We have single-element standards and multi-element mixes in nitric or hydrochloric acid with a standard concentration of 1,000 mg/l available.
A comprehensive product catalog can be downloaded here.
Couldn't find a mix that exactly meets your requirements? No problem!!! Send us an email with your requirements to: inquiries@chromservis.eu and we will be happy to prepare a CRM exactly according to your wishes.
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