New Argolab ultrasonic baths are available in analogue or digital version. You will find more details in the datasheet. Click at the picture for download.
Download catalog here.
Hamilton syringes are the finest quality precision fluid measuring devices available. Top quality materials and skilled workmanship ensure Hamilton syringes consistently deliver the highest possible performance for reliable analyses. With proper care and handling, Hamilton syringes provide unsurpassed performance year after year.
This guide covers daily syringe use along with safety information and troubleshooting tips. Start by reviewing the syringe schematics and the Daily Use Protocol. Detailed explanations follow the Daily Use Protocol.
For manual dispenses, our syringes are accurate to within ±1% of nominal volume with a precision of 1% at 80% of the total volume. The fluid path of a Hamilton syringe is designed to be chemically inert with stainless steel, borosilicate glass and PTFE used for most syringes. N.I.S.T traceable certification is available as an additional service for the majority of the syringes in our product line.
Syringes and needles manufactured by Hamilton Company are intended for scientific research and laboratory use only and are not intended for human in vivo use.
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Hamilton launched new catalogue of chromatography syringes and needles. You can download it by clicking at the picture.
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MetAmino® kits offer an easy sample preparation method for your LC-MS or GC-MS analysis. MetAmino® kits include derivatization reagences and all clean-up accessories to prepare your sample for injection. They eliminate time consuming sample preparation procedures. The new clean-up procedure uses a special material as the end-step including filtration (no need to use a syringe filter prior injection). The other advantage is that the derivatization procedure enables you to extend the analyte list. Contact us for further details.
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Below you will find information about the chemical compatibility of our MSPE column materials with various types of liquids.
Microspin columns (MSPE) are used for sample pretreatment as a substitute for SPE columns. The MSPE column consists of an internal microspin filter with a 0.22 micron membrane, above which a sorbent is placed, and an external centrifuge tube. The membrane can be made of nylon, PTFE (hydrophilic and hydrophobic), PVDF and acetylated cellulose. It is a simple and rapid sample preparation method that uses 2-in-1 membrane filtration and sorbent extraction in one step. MSPE columns are widely used in clinical biochemistry, toxicology, neuroimmunology and biotechnology. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.
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Download catalog here.
UTC Applications using Quechers
QuEChERS is the shortcut for Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe. It is a sample extraction and clean-up technique widely used for the analysis of multiple residues in hydrated agricultural products. Originally designed for the analysis of fruits and vegetables, QuEChERS now includes a wide range of agricultural products. It combines several sample preparation steps and extends the range of analytes recovered over older, tedious extraction methods. A driving force in the growth of QuEChERS is the emerging need to determine trace amounts of analytes in a high throughput environment.
Click at the picture to download the brochure.
UTC Product catalog for environmental analysis
Founded in 1986, UCT has grown to be a respected leader in the drug testing, pharmaceutical, clinical, environmental and agricultural industries. Our wide range of highly reproducible solid-phase extraction columns allow the chromatographer a consistent extraction technique, and our expertise in silane manufacturing allows greater control of the chemical processes involved in producing our high quality bonded phases. We manufacture our complete product line of bonded silica sorbents, packaged in a variety of formats, including SPE columns, 96 & 48 well plates, Universal cartridges and micro-centrifuge tubes.
Click at the picture to download the brochure.
Environmental applications
Application manual for analysis of environmental and food samples here.
UTC Product catalog for forensic analysis
Founded in 1986, UCT has grown to be a respected leader in the drug testing, pharmaceutical, clinical, environmental and agricultural industries. Our wide range of highly reproducible solid-phase extraction columns allow the chromatographer a consistent extraction technique, and our expertise in silane manufacturing allows greater control of the chemical processes involved in producing our high quality bonded phases. We manufacture our complete product line of bonded silica sorbents, packaged in a variety of formats, including SPE columns, 96 & 48 well plates, Universal cartridges and micro-centrifuge tubes.
Click at the picture to download the brochure.
Forensic applications
Application manual for analysis of forensis, biochemic and clinic samples here.
Medical Cannabis and other botanical products can become susceptible to mycotoxin contamination during cultivation, storage or processing. Here you will find a brochure for cannabis quality control analysis.
VICAM’s mission is rooted in the fundamental human need for safe and abundant food supply. As awareness of the dangers of naturally occurring agricultural contaminants continues to grow, concern about the safety and quality of globally sourced food has become increasingly widespread. The need to routinely monitor for the occurrence of these contaminants
inspired VICAM’s commitment to the research, development, and worldwide distribution of advanced rapid diagnostic solutions for food safety.
That is why VICAM introduced new Product Guide for Mycotoxine analysis. You can download it here (4.35MB)