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Solvents for (U)HPLC, LC/MS and NMR

Product filtering



Volume of bottle


Organic analysis



n-Hexane 95+% Pestapur

In stock > 5 ks
on inquiry

Acetone, Pesticide grade 2.5 L

In stock > 5 ks
on inquiry

Acetonitrile LC/MS, 99,95-100%, 2.5 L

In stock > 5 ks
on inquiry

Methanol LC/MS, 2.5 L

In stock > 5 ks
on inquiry

Tetrahydrofurane Chromapur G, 2.5 L

In stock 3 ks
on inquiry

Acetonitrile HPLC GG, 2.5 litru

In stock > 5 ks
on inquiry

Methanol, HPLC grade 2.5 L

In stock > 5 ks
on inquiry

Water HPLC, 2.5 L

In stock 2 ks
on inquiry

Acetone HPLC grade 2.5 L

In stock > 5 ks
on inquiry

Dimethyl sulfoxide, HPLC grade, 2.5 L

Availability: ask us
on inquiry

Acetone-D6, 99.8 atom%D, 10 ml, CAS 666-52-4

Availability: ask us
on inquiry

Acetonitrile-D3, 99.9 atom%D, 10 ml bottle

Availability: ask us
on inquiry

Toluene-D8, 99 atom%D, 25 ml, CAS 2037-26-5

Availability: ask us
on inquiry