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Zutora Supersaturation Computer SeedMaster 4

Zutora SeedMaster-4 serves two batch vacuum or cooling crystallizers simultaneously.

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Product description

Zutora SeedMaster-4 serves two batch vacuum or cooling crystallizers simultaneously. It provides reliable, online data on:

  • Supersaturation
  • Crystal Size
  • Crystal Content
  • Mother Liquor Purity

To provide accurate supersaturation signal, all parameters of the supersaturation function must be known. Syrup quality parameters (m, b, and c) shall be provided by the operators based on factory data. Mother liquor purity will be calculated by the SM-4. The rest should be measured and provided as data input to the system:

  • Mother liquor concentration
  • Temperature
  • Massecuite solids content OR Density
  • Massecuite level

The optimal instrumentation of the pan

  • VAISALA process refractometer
  • Microwave probe
  • Level sensor

Supersaturation-based Control

SeedMaster versions with the -ACC option implement a sophisticated, supersaturation-based crystallization control system. When used with vacuum crystallizers, SeedMaster can control

  • Steam,
  • Vacuum,
  • Syrup Feed,
  • Seeding

to keep supersaturation within the optimal range. In case of cooling crystallizers, SM-4 controls Temperature and Seeding.

For all applications

SeedMaster-4 can be used with both vacuum and cooling crystallizers. Basic models provide an online supersaturation signal to be utilized in control systems, while the -ACC models include the control systems as well.


  • Cane sugar
  • Beet sugar
  • Lactose
  • Dextrose
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