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YMC-Triart Bio C4, Capillary guard column 1/32", 30 nm, S-3 µm, 5 x 0.5 mm

YMC-Triart Bio C4 is a new wide-pore phase for UHPLC and HPLC. Due to its 300 Å pore size, it is designed for peptide and protein separations. As usual excellent YMC reproducibility is provided. High pH and temperature stability is guaranteed.

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Product description

YMC-Triart Bio C4 is a new wide-pore phase for UHPLC and HPLC. Due to its 300 Å pore size, it is designed for peptide and protein separations. As usual excellent YMC reproducibility is provided. High pH and temperature stability is guaranteed. pH values from 1 to 10 as well as temperatures up to 90°C can be used|



Brand: YMC-Triart
Category: Laboratory instruments and accessories / Chromatography / Guard columns




Guard Column TypeHPLC
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