Item Number K2: N2-MISTRAL-LCMS
Format of S/N: LN2-YYMMDDNNN (date of building + 3 digits internal number)
Warranty: whether 24 months or 8000 operating hours
Necessary equipment:
Flowmeter N2 0-300ml/min (rotameter or Defender)
Pressure gauge 0-12 bar with 4mmOD PTFE or PE hose
Flowmeter N2 0-40 L/min (GFM) with 6mmOD PTFE or PE hose
6mmOD hose with Swagelok 6mm tubing connection on the both sides
Metric allen keys (4mm)
Oxygen detector 0-25% with flow adaptor and hoses for connection to 4mmOD quick connector
Metric spanners and common tools
Related documents:
LNI Schmidlin_SP01 - Mistral complete checking EN100309
LNI Schmidlin_SP02 - Mistral main settings EN091229
LNI Schmidlin_SP03 - Mistral O2 senzor exchange EN100309
LNI Schmidlin_SP04 - Mistral O2 senzor flow adjusting EN100309
LNI-Schmidlin_Mistral diagnostic form EN100505
LNI-Schmidlin_Internal info and configure form EN100505
Suggestions and notes:
Ouput presure must be stable during both cycles. Check this pressure with closed and opened output valve (normal diference is 0.5 ÷ 0.6 bar).
If its necessary to adjust ouput pressure, indication of correct adjustment of Section 1 is good sensitivity of pressure change to knob rotation.
In the case some dysfuncion (wrong pressure or leakage) check gauges and solenoid valves by external gauge which is connected to the adequate point.
Suction filters may serve as silencers on the outputs.
Exhaust of nitrogen excess is near to oxygen sensor (some models are equipped with a silencer)
Water from compressed air drains to the inside hot part of generator and vaporizes.
Higher pressure in the Line 1 and Line 2 usually has an impact on nitrogen purity
Adjustment of section 2 is very important (with open output valve). External gauge is connected instead of built-in (front bottom right). Pressure is usually 2 bar (maximum is 2.2) and absolutely stable on built/in gauge. When is opening the needle valve, pointer on the gauge starts to vibrate, so little bit close the needle valve (for stop of vibration) and then check output opressure and flow.
Very often is in the SP’s wrong description of this gauge (is stated Section 1 instead of Section 2). However postion of this point is between Tank and second head of front compressor (332).
Laurent very often changed in configuration Capacity time to 9 cec and Volume to 6.1 L/min (influence to flow calculation).
Digital pressure sensor S#1 (visible in diagnostic) measures pressure after coalescing filter (before Molsieves) and pressure changes during each cycle.