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Dryer Nafion, 200 tubes, 48” length, SS fittings, rubber shell

Perma Pure PD-Series™ gas dryers are multi-tube Nafion dryers designed for high flow, high performance gas drying applications. These dryers can be used to dry to –45°C without removing other compounds. PD-Series dryers consists of a bundle of 0.030" O.D. Nafion tubes housed within a single large tube shell.

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Product description

Perma Pure PD-Series™ gas dryers are multi-tube Nafion dryers designed for high flow, high performance gas drying applications. These dryers can be used to dry to –45°C without removing other compounds. PD-Series dryers consists of a bundle of 0.030" O.D. Nafion tubes housed within a single large tube shell. Feed gas flows within the Nafion tubes while water vapor absorbs into the tubular membrane walls and is removed. Moisture permeating the tubing is carried away by a dry purge gas within the shell that flows countercurrent to the feed. Purge gas should be instrument quality air (-40°C dew point) or nitrogen flowing at two to three times the sample flow rate.

  • Achieves low dew points
  • Removes only water vapour
  • Dries continuously
  • Requires no electricity
  • No moving parts
  • Excellent corrosion resistance
  • Low pressure drop

Perma Pure offers three PD series dryer product lines: PD-50T, PD-100T, PD-200T

Model Number Number of Nafion Tubes Available lengths Sample ports Purge Ports
PD-50T 50 12", 24", 48" or 72" 1/4" NPT 1/8" NPT
PD-100T 100 12", 24", 48" or 72" 1/4" NPT 1/8" NPT
PD-200T 200 12", 24", 48" or 72" 1/4" NPT 1/8" NPT

Available materials (not for all models and lengths)

Code Material
MKS Kynar (fluoropolymer)fit­tings, stainless steel shell
MKA Kynar (fluoropolymer)fit­tings, anodized aluminium shell
MKR Kynar (fluoropolymer)fit­tings, rubber shell
MKC Kynar (fluoropolymer)fit­tings, corrugated stainless steel shell
MSS stainless steel fittings, stainless steel shell
MSA stainless steel fittings, anodized aluminium shell
MSR stainless steel fittings, rubber shell
MSC stainless steel fittings, corrugated stainless steel shell
MPP polypropylene fittings and shell
MPR polypropylene fittings, rubber shell
MPV polypropylene fittings, PVC shell
MPS polypropylene fittings, stainless steel shell


Category: Measurement and control / Gas measurement / Nafion Dryers


Nafion tubes200
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