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Automatic cleaning and calibration of pH sensors in process measurement

In process pH measurement, we often encounter a problem where relatively frequent pH sensor maintenance is required. Unfortunately, when handling the sensor, it happens to be damaged. In order to avoid it and to make more frequent maintenance without human intervention, it is possible to invest in technology to create a system that will ensure:

  • Automatic measurement
  • Automatic sensor cleaning without human intervention
  • Automatic calibration
  • Replace sensor without shutting down

Such a system can be built with Knick's innovative solution. This solution is based on a set consisting of:

  • Intelligent Protos converter
  • Automatic pull-out fitting Ceramat or Sensogate
  • Unical 9000 system
  • Sensor Memosens

The system can be installed directly in operation, both in a safe environment and in a potentially explosive atmosphere. The fittings can be placed both directly into the pipeline and into the reactor. The connections can be different, starting with the standard flange with Variline special connections.

Cleaning without interruption of technology

Since the sensor is cleaned during operation by closing the valve, the system with the measured medium remains under pressure and is not interrupted. In this service position, both the sensor and the sensor can be calibrated.

High efficiency

Special non-piston pumps and hoses provide low buffer consumption (only 25 ml).

Long sensor life

In aggressive media or at high temperatures it is possible to use short-term measurements and store the sensor for the rest of the time in the calibration chamber. This protects and ensures long service life.

Cleaning intervals are customizable. With automatic flushing, it is not necessary to pull the sensor and clean it manually.


The PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION interface makes it easy to integrate the system into the technology control system.

Important System Parameters:

  • Hygienic design or model into a corrosive environment
  • Automatic 2-point calibration
  • Programmable operation timer
  • Installation in Zone 1 (ATEX)
  • Buffers for 3.5 l buffers
  • Easy filling of buffers
  • Automatic pump recognition
  • Various material versions of the fittings